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GZDoom is an open source port of DooM.

GZDoom Table of Contents

Getting Started with GZDoom

How to Install GZDoom

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The Basics

$HOME or ~ refer to your home directory. On a typical linux distro, the full path will be \$HOME/\$USER. On a Steam Deck, the full path will be /home/deck. When navigating using the file manager, the file manager may not be display the username visually in the full file path.

Directories with a . in front of their name, like $HOME/.steam, are hidden by default. In Dolphin (a file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right and toggle on Show Hidden Files. The setting may vary depending on which file manager you are using.

$HOME/Applications refers to the Applications folder in your home directory. On a typical linux distro, the full path will be \$HOME/\$USER/Applications. On a Steam Deck, the full path will be /home/deck/Applications. When navigating using the file manager, the file manager may not display the username visually in the full file path. The Applications folder is not created by default. If you have not created one already, do so before following the steps in this section.

To download GZDoom:

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole or a terminal of your choice
  2. If you have not already added the Flathub user repo, type the following and press enter:
    • flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub --user
  3. Type the following and press enter:
    • flatpak install org.zdoom.GZDoom --user -y
  4. Type the following two lines, one at a time, and press enter after each line:
    • flatpak override org.zdoom.GZDoom --filesystem=host --user
    • flatpak override org.zdoom.GZDoom --share=network --user

If you have Discover installed, you may also use Discover to install Dolphin. Make sure you have the Flathub repo added (Step 2 in the section above).

How to Install DooM Mods